Saturday, February 9, 2008

Worship in Music

I ran into this post by a accident looking at tornado damage in Jackson. It’s priceless for some of us to see the shifting in thinking going on in the denominational world. It’s also an opening for the Lord’s church. Here are a couple quotes with emphasis added.

I think the entire evangelical world ought to put a moratorium on any kind of
instrumental music, and just chant psalms in their worship services—for the next
ten years.

I wonder if the whole “excellence in praise and worship music” phenomenon we’ve
seen over the past few years—for all the good it’s done—hasn’t also had some
less-than-desirable effects on young Christians. I wonder if it hasn’t created a
generation of functional mystics who gauge their relationship with God by
emotional experience rather than the objective reality of

I am really afraid that we’ve managed to create a
generation of anemic Christians who are spiritually dependent on excellent

My sense is that "excellent music" has become something of
an idol.

The next post on his blog is by a Bob Kauflin who was asked to respond to his blog post. You can read the whole thing here. The most important one, and where we need to jump in, is this one, “Lack of teaching on worship in the church.” I don’t agree with the way he develops this point but the statement is absolutely 100% true. The problem is they are not going back to the Scriptures to find what the Lord has said on matters of worship.

Your thoughts? Leave comments.

Sow the Seed Faithfully,

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