Wednesday, February 6, 2008

FHU Wednesday Lectures

We got up late this morning after not getting to bed until after 2:00 due to the tornados. This morning I caught the first few minutes of the chapel service. To make an evalution of the lesson would be unreasonable since I did not hear it. From the start he seemed captivating. The last thing I heard as I was turning off my computer to get ready to leave the hotel was the speaker quoting, you guessed it, good ol' Will Barclay.

ANNOUNCEMENT - Next year all FHU Chapel talks will feature the reading of William Barclay's commentaries. Please be sure to attend. This is a joke for those of you who may be wondering.

I made it to FHU and I'm sitting down for Jack P's lecture on whether or not John wrote the pericope fo the woman caught in adultery. He opens up by saying he will let us all in on the ending from the beginning, "I don't know." I'm upset because I just realized that Chuck Webster is speaking next door. That's where I should be.

Jack P was Jack P. Not having much sleep I will be the first to admit that I didn't follow him. You have to be paying attention the whole time and I was not able to. The result being I'm not exactly sure what he said but what I did hear was great.

After Jack P I stayed in the same room to hear Dan Winkler. What passion. You can tell he really feels what he is speaking. If only we could hand out prescriptions of it to the rest of the speakers around here! He talked about the personal side of Jesus from John 13ff. My only complaint is that he moved outside of John to express the human side of Jesus and his emotions. This was not necessary as John has plenty of it, and if he would have stayed in John it would have been more exegetically sound. The only other thing is he had four sections to his lesson and he spent so much time on the first that he literally flew through the last three sections. One of the best sessions I've attended this year. BTW - it was packed. No open seats and people sitting and standing in the back and down the aiseles as well as the sides entering the lecture hall. I'm sure the fire department would have shut us down.

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