Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Wednesday Night FHU Madness

OK... probably not madness. After a great meal at Corky's we made our way back to FHU for the evening lecture. We were going to eat at Corky's last night but changed our minds since Logan's had a two complete steak dinners for 14 bucks deal. Glad we did as Corky's was even closer to the tornado that ripped through Jackson (more on this later).

When we got to Freed I found out that Harold Redd was going to be preaching. Up to this point I have never heard of him. He was preaching on the humility of Christ from John 19.

The long and short of it is I’m not sure where he was going or how he got there. The main thing I got was that Jesus was a rejected king. Tonight I was able to pay fairly good attention and I still was unable to really discern where he was going. He never really got with it. He never really showed why what he was saying was relevant. He did not show how it affects me (speaking in the plural application sense).

At this point I have to admit that the keynotes have been sadly disappointing to me. Sure there are good things to grab from each of them like this jewel from tonight, “The Jews wanted the Scriptures without Jesus; Today men want Jesus but they don’t want the Scriptures.” But OVERALL there is no clear purpose, no exposition of the text, no illustration of the text, and no real practical application of that text. One speaker this year boasts on his blog about making “the all-star game” by speaking at Freed this year. Is this how our All-Star preachers perform? If so where do I sign up to bet on the other team (and no I don’t endorse gambling).

After the evening service we stuck around for a few minutes to listen to Pickin’ and a Singin’ because CJ wanted to see the show. That last about one song and he and Reagan Jett changed their minds. On the way back to the hotel we decided to drive up and see where the Tornado hit. It is amazing how close it was to us. I would say an eigth of a mile or less and you see the destruction. Valerie (my wife) pointed out a metal poll that was snapped in half. The entire area was flattened. One crazy thing is that a building on one side of the street had windows blown out of it while a car dealership on the other side looked like nothing had happened. Scientist still can’t tell us how, when, and where a Tornado will hit for sure nor can the stop them, but they know Global warming is real and WE HAVE TO STOP IT. Righttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt.

Good Night and God Bless,

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