Friday, December 11, 2009

Using Facebook Ads to Reach the Lost

This morning I was interviewed on a podcast called iPreach. It's a podcast co-hosted by Dale Jenkins of the Spring Meadows church of Christ and Adam Faughn of the Lebanon Road church of Christ. You can listen to the podcast below and it will help add some context to everything else in this posting.

This post is designed to help you go step by step through the process of setting up Facebook Ads for outreach. The first thing you need to do is login to your facebook page (If you don't know how to do this then learn it and come back). Once you have logged into your facebook page I recommend you create a “fan page” for your congregation if you don't already have one. After I show you how to create a fan page I will give you instructions on how to create a Facebook Ad.

To create a fan page:

1. Scroll down to the bottom of your page and lick on "advertising"

2. On the left side click on "pages"

3. Click "Create Page"

4. Select category, enter a name, and click create

5. Now that your page is created you can click "edit page" to make it all fancy.

6. Once you are done with that click "suggest to friends" and select all the members of your congregation

7. Drink a Dr Pepper and celebrate you have made it this far!

To Create an Ad:

1. Scroll down to the bottom of your page and click on "advertising"

2. click on "create ad"

3. Now you have to design your ad.
     - Decide where you want the people to end up at when they click your ad. If it's your website or something on your website enter the address in the "destination URL." If you want people to end up on your Facebook Fan Page or Event Page click on "I want to advertise something I have on Facebook."
     - Give your Ad a Title that will stand out, get peoples attention, and gives an idea of what your ad is all about
     - Give a brief, interesting, informative description of whatever it is you are advertising
     - Choose an image. Image size is limited to 110v80 pixels. Make sure your image stands out and is related to what you are advertising!

4. Select your target audience for this Ad (Listen to Podcast for details on these factors)

5. Select the Method of Advertising
     - By naming the campaign you can group your ads together. Maybe you want to run three different ads for one event. They would all go in the same campaign.
     - Set your daily budget. How much is the most you are willing to spend PER DAY on this entire set of ads in your ad campaign
     - If this is for an event, or you know when you want the ad to stop, click "run my ad only during specified dates" and specify the dates. Otherwise leave it how it is.
     - Now you have to decide if you want to pay on a cost per click basis or a cost per 1,000 impressions basis. There are benefits to both... again... listen to the podcast and I will explain some of that.
     - Now select your bid. The suggested bid amount gives you an idea of what ads are going for to your same target audience. Remember, the higher you bid the more likely your ad will be displayed. The amount you enter is the most you are willing to spend on a click or per 1,000 impressions (it may be lower than this amount).

6. Click Create

7. Drink another Dr Pepper and pray that the Lord blesses your efforts to reach the lost. You can always get back to your advertising by clicking on the "advertising" button on the bottom of the Facebook screen. This will allow you to track all the details of how your ads are performing, as well as edit, add, and remove your ads.

I hope this has been somewhat helpful to you. If you have used Facebook Ads before, or you are going to be using them, PLEASE contact me and let me know what you have done that has worked and what hasn't worked. Hopefully we can use this as just another one of many tools to reach the lost.

Sow the Seed,
Caleb O'Hara

Friday, October 30, 2009

The Proper Care & Feeding of Husbands

On a fairly regular basis I pick up books to add to my counseling collection. A couple weeks ago I added another, The Proper Care & Feeding of Husbands by Dr. Laura Schlessinger. The first thing I did when I got home was get on Facebook and ask if any women had read the book and if they did what they thought about it. Here are some of the comments I received:
  • “I think every woman should read it before the wedding and on every anniversary there after! Excellent!”
  • “As a woman, it says some stuff that is hard to hear and hard to do. As a guy, [my husband] said that it was dead on in what women need to do for their men. [He] loves the book and I do to. It really showed me how to better care for my man!”
  • “[I] never read it but always disliked the title--like you're taking care of a dog or houseplant or something.”
  • “It definitely gets to the heart of the matter, thinking beyond ourself. Like most books, If you can go away with one good thing to implement to make your marriage better.....I think it is worth the cost of the book. I think you can go away with several things from this book.”
The book is written in a very easy to read, and very easy to follow style. The dialogue of the book is largely based on calls Dr. Laura has received on her syndicated radio show, as well as comments and stories people sent to her specifically for this book. I'm not a fast reader and I digested the book in one evening and one morning.

The main idea behind the book as that in a marriage relationship women need to look out for and provide for the needs of their husbands, in a way that only a wife can. This is an entirely biblical idea, “Wives, be subject to your own husbands, as to the Lord” (Ephesians 5:21). Dr. Laura accurately explains how various cultural influences have led many women to aquire false ideas about what their role is in a marriage relationship. As a result, there are many marriages that are suffering because of wives not fulfilling their role in the marriage. Want details? Read the book.

She deals with topics that we often don't want to talk about in the church. Subjects like Men's feelings, nagging, guy time, and even sex. I've never really understood why we don't want to discuss these subjects (the Bible talks about them), but would rather learn what's appropriate on these matters from TV, magazines, and movies – secular ungodly sources.

There are few negatives I came away with from the book. First of all Dr. Laura occasionally uses language I would not approve of using. Second is the fact that it may be easy to come away from this book thinking that the only problems in relationships are the result of women. It would be easy to think that if only the woman would change her act all marriages would be perfect. This of course is not true. Sometimes the man is the problem and will refuse to change. It does, however, show that even in those situations if you do your part you will be fulfilling the words of God in 1 Peter 3:1. You are creating the optimal atmosphere to persuade him to change without speaking a word of it to him.

All in all I would highly recommend this book to all married women or those who will potentially get married. It's well worth the time, and I believe it could help make more marriages Godly. The result would be a better homes and better churches serving God. If you read it I would love to hear your thoughts.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Evil Doesn't Advertise As Evil

I haven't yet figured out why we still don't get that evil always tries to look good. If you were presented with a juicy T-Bone or a plate full of maggots the choice for dinner would be easy. But Satan doesn't operate that way—he never has! The ruler of this earth knows what people on this earth like, and he tries to use whatever we like against us. Are we really surprised at this?

It's when you like a person you let down your guard of good judgment; you stop thinking critically. Actions that if committed by a person with a ski mask on and gun in his hand would obviously be taken as evil, are now considered by us to be actions with a good intent all because the guy looks like... you know... something we like. He says what I like to hear. He dresses the way I like him to dress. He smells the way I like him to smell. He makes me comfortable. Now is the time to watch out! Used car salesmen don't wear shirts that say, “I'm here to sell you what you don't need, can't afford, and makes me a big commission.” They don't dress in slouchy shorts, ripped t-shirts, worn out shoes, and forget to do their hair or brush their teeth. They dress like... a person you would like! Beware!

Paul had to warn the Ephesian elders “[S]avage wolves will come in among you, not sparing the flock” (Acts 20:29). Oh they surely were obvious. They stood up on the hill and we could see them coming from miles. All the sheep knew they were being attacked by evil, right? Nope! Well, where did they come from? “From among your own selves” (vs. 30). Jesus said, “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves” (Matthew 7:15). They look like what we like to see. They look like a harmless sheep. They look just like me!?!? At no time can the Christian lay down his discerning eye; never ever! Especially when it looks good, sounds good, taste good. That's precisely when we know it's time to do a deeper examination.

One of the best paragraphs I've ever read on this theme, I read in a book this last month. It said, “Perhaps the greater disservice of Hollywood movies is their cartoonish villains. In real life, I promise you, the devil will look more like Julia Roberts than Snidely Whiplash. Evil does not arrive with a flashing neon sign: MEPHISTOPHELES! LUCIFER! SATAN! FOR ETERNAL DAMNATION, APPLY HERE. Evil arrives packaged as a winsome movie about a long-legged brunette who manages to marry a rich, handsome bachelor and live happily ever after—all by turning tricks on Hollywood Boulevard! There's a reason Beelzebub is known as the prince of lies.” I'm going to violate a major rule and not reveal the source of this quote because I don't want the source to taint your view of what it says. All I can say is that it's right on.

What does this all mean? I think you are all smart enough to figure it out. If you like something or someone (or anything or anyone), put your guard on high alert because Satan knows you like it. And if you like it he is going to try to use it to destroy you. That sounds... well.. EVIL doesn't it? Now you get it!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

He's Baaaaaaaack

This morning my friend Ron tells me that it's time to start blogging again. He also told me to get a haircut so what does he know? Well I think he is right about the blogging (and probably the haircut too). So Ron... this blogs for you!

It was a long weekend. Wednesday night after class the whole family headed down to Visalia. We stayed at my wife's grandparents house. It was great getting to spend Thursday and Friday with my friend Cliff. While I was down there I also got to train with a great group of guys at Elite Jiu Jitsu in Visalia. Tom Knox is a great instructor and one of the nicest guys I've met in the Jiu Jitsu community. I'm looking forward to trying out some new sweeps he taught me.

Friday night I did the lesson at the Youth Rally. My title was, "Committing to God with Your Worship." The opening part of the presentation was given in five minutes. I had twenty slides that automatically advanced every fifteen seconds; it left very little room from error. It's a new teaching technique that I'm experimenting with. I think it went pretty well. Right after the lesson we had to head home. We rolled into town at 12:30. The problem was that I got a grande caramel frappuccino at Starbucks to keep me awake while driving. It successfully kept me awake until 3:30 in the morning. The alarm went off at 8:00 and we headed out to soccer. I'm coaching Caleb Jr's soccer team (16 crazy 5 year olds). The first drive Caleb took the ball, dribbled around the defenders, and kicked it right into the goal! Dad couldn't have been more proud.

This morning I continued my current sermon series, "Back 2 School." This morning's lesson was, "What is faith and belief?" Tonight's lesson was an introduction to the book of Acts. Every Sunday night before worship we have a fifteen minute bible exercise that one of our elders leads. It's a great program for teaching our little ones (and us adults too) where information is in the Bible. The card he is going over right now is "Events in Acts." The sermons will go hand in hand with our exercise.

Now I'm home, exhausted, and about to start a crazy diet and exercise program with my wife in the morning. Target closes in fifteen minutes so I have to jam over there and get some stuff for our diet. That means I'm finished!

Good Night & Sow the Seed!
Caleb O'Hara

Saturday, May 2, 2009

I'm Back

OK... So I've been a little behind on blogging (OK... A LOT!). Let's see if I can change that a bit.

Next week I will be speaking at the West Visalia Lectures. I'm addressing two topics: Evangelism in a Postmodern World, and Church Growth God's Way. These are two subjects I've spent a lot of time in so I'm excited, and scared, to be asked to present them. So much to say in so little time. The art of preaching is figuring out what not to say.

Here is the live feed to the lectures below.

Sow the Seed,

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Day 3 Open Forum Live Blog

******* Most Recent Posts First *******

- Open Forum has ended.

- Sabroe asks if it's ok to be entertained by people who are offering up false worship. Ralph completely dodges the question. He says that it's not about what they intend from it, but what you do with it. He diverts by making it a question about being entertained by sinful behavior to something else, thus never answering the question. One thing is for sure, Ralph can dance, I guess that tells us his position on dancing :)

- Sabroe is making his way to the mic. I'm scared.

- Elkins is making his way to the mic.... He talks about MDR. He says that Wallace assumed that in 1 Cor 7:15 that if she departed it was for fornication. He says that sometimes there is background to situations that we don't know about. Ralph says that is true.

- More people at the mic about Christian Contemporary Music. Nothing really of note.

- First guy to the mic has questions about “Christian Music.” He has a lot of questions. Ralph basically says we used to not have a problem with it when they had it on the radio when he was a kid. Now they have a problem with it. The whole problem with Ralph's argument is that he is arguing it's validity based on our inconsistency. When did inconsistency ever prove something was right or wrong?

- Is Jesus the Angel of the Lord of the Old Testament. He says that some instances probably.

- Someone wants to know if the flood was global or local and if it is a matter of fellowship. He says that it was a global flood and he is sorta vague about the fellowship question.

- How can we help the brethren study the Bible better and not just study topically. He talks about how when he was a kid they really studied the Bible; his mom made sure. Then he talked about our current culture and wanting everything flashy. He then says we shouldn't dumb things down because our kids today are smart enough.

- The next question has to do with Textual Criticism. He gives a crash course on textual criticism. He then goes into the Textus Receptus and the KJV. He talks about the MSS available were limited when the KJV was put together. He talks about translations some more and he says that he is happy that most people today don't make translations a matter of fellowship.

- Next question has to do with the ESV: Good or Bad? Ralph says he likes it and the Holman Christian Standard. He says he lets his students use it.

- Is it wrong to listen to contemporary Christian worship. Ralph says nope.

Steven's Truck

We were just informed that Steven Anchondo wrecked his truck. The good news is everyone is ok.


Freed Hardeman Lectures - Day 3

Today we started out with a breakfast sandwich and a soda from a generic grocery store (The food quality is exactly what you are thinking). We got up early today just to make it to hear Jack P. Lewis lecture on Psalm 44. What a man. If only I knew everything he has forgotten I would be well ahead in life. After Jack P. is chapel. No telling what today will bring!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

FHU Lectures Day 2 Open Forum Live Blog

********* Most Recent Posts Listed First ***********

- The forum is over. Ralph did a good job for the day. Time for dinner.

- Ralph goes into a rant on how we are not relevant because we are perceived to be anti-women. He says we are not growing like we are supposed to. What does that have to do with anything? Who gets to declare what makes us relevant or not? Are we really going to use numbers to justify our faithfulness or relevance? If we are merely going to use numbers then we have never been relevant or faithful. Maybe we need to look to a new standard????

- We had the daily Elkins appearance.

- Some guy gets up and makes a statement about women take the authority behind the scenes. It was.... ummmm.... Interesting. Ralph moves on.

- Question about worshiping Jesus and the HS. Ralph says the HS and Jesus are God, therefore they are worthy of worship. I appreciate Ralph mentioning this. This is the core of the question and is often overlooked.

- Next guy gets up and gives a mini-sermon. Doesn't really contribute anything new.

- Someone comes up to the mic and asks about a woman signing to the deaf. Ralph basically says that it's OK because women are better translators. Ralph says she doesn't have a pulpit she just has a place to stand.

- There are more questions about when a woman can speak, address the congregation, etc.... One of the questions has to do with reading the Bible out loud. He mentions that it is all a matter of authority. He is very vague... which seems to be a theme.

- Now a serious of questions on womens role and prayer. Ralph mentions women praying in the home is different than any other setting. The reason being that he learns more about what his family is thinking. The problem is what biblical basis does he get this idea from? You know I feel better when I worship with an instrument, therefore it's ok??? When you get down to it Paul still says “In every place.” This common argument for women leading in the home is funny to me because where is the first place that male spiritual leadership should be upheld? Is it not the home?

- Next question has to do with disfellowshipping a congregation. Ralph says that in scripture disfellowship is done to individuals. Then he mentions that in times of change like we are in we sometimes have to withhold our fellowship from congregations and schools.

- Next question has to do with singing to Jesus etc.... And baptizing in the name of Jesus. Ralph points out that Jesus was worshipped all through his life. He mentions that Jesus was worshipped in the Revelation. Ralph points out Acts 7:59 and Stephen addressing Jesus in prayer.

- The first question has to do with answering the accusation that the Bible just copied from the Epic of Gilgamesh. Ralph gives some of the similarities and differences between the Bible and the Epic of Gilgamesh. Ralph says nobody has been able to prove they are dependent. And the Bible is true.

- Ralph opens with the old how much how long joke. When will they end?

- Lipe gives the standard intro and says no more discussion on MDR.

- E. Claude Gardner opens with a prayer.

Monday, February 2, 2009

FHU Open Forum Live Blog

***************Most Recent Posts First******************

- Open Forum is over. A mainly uneventful event. Not too bad.

- Cliff and I are sick of all the personal stories at the mic. People are not contributing anything to the discussion. Tomorrow's open forum will be Cliff and Caleb hour. We will tell our life stories for one hour. Ralph is being too nice to people. He needs to just cut them off and say this isn't Oprah hour, this is Open Forum.

- Earl Edwards take the mic. HE mentions that some promises that are made should never have been made in the first place and should not be fulfilled. He cites Harod telling his wife's daughter that she could have whatever she wanted and she asked for John the Baptists head. This was in response to a question about divorcing someone you should not have been married to in the first place. The question was arguing that you can't tell someone to leave an adulterous relationship because they would be breaking an oath they made to the new mate.

- There he is! Elkins rides in on the white horse.

- Waiting for Elkins to make his appearance.

- Some more random comments. Nothing to blog about.

- Someone came up to the microphone to respond to Ralph's point about Acts 2. Ralph says he agrees. He is explaining that his point is how much do you have to have demonstrated before you baptize them. He says if someone says he is in sin and won't do anything about it then you don't baptize him.

- Next question is about Daniel 9:27. He is basically saying that it's a tricky passage. I'm not sure I followed him.

- The next question is on team teaching. When can a woman teach etc. The example of Priscilla and Aquila is mentioned. Ralph says Apollos was a private environment. He says that the Scriptures teach that men are spiritual leaders and are to be the teachers.

- The next question is on team teaching. When can a woman teach etc. The example of Priscilla and Aquila is mentioned. Ralph says Apollos was a private environment. He says that the Scriptures teach that men are spiritual leaders and are to be the teachers.

- The next question has to do with if the example of selling the property and giving it all to the church binding. Ralph says no. It was voluntary.

- Second question is regarding weather or not baptism washes away adultery. Ralph says adultery is continuous action. Ralph mentions Acts 2 and the 300. He then asks if the apostles asked them all specific questions about all the sins they were committing. Ralph says there wasn't time to do that in Acts 2. He said what's important is to have an attitude of repentance. He says that they need to do need to repent though.

- Ralph opens up with a question regarding what a woman should do with a husband that is verbally abusive. Basically Ralph says go see a good Christian counselor.

- And Ralph delivers as predicted.

- The Open Forum is about to begin. David Lipe is going to give the standard info about how FHU doesn't necessarily endorse what Ralph says; yadda yadda. Ralph is about to get to the mic. I'm betting he will open with a joke.

Back at the FHU Lectures...

I'm at the Freed Hardeman University Lectures again in 2009. This year my friend Cliff Sabroe came with me. Today we attended the morning chapel lecture by Jesse Robertson. His text was Psalm 23. At the beginning of the lesson he had the whole audience quote the 23rd Psalm. That was the last time it was mentioned.

After chapel we took a quick stroll through Bader Gym to check out the booths. We didn't spend a whole lot of time in there; too many people. Someone came up with the idea of eating Mexican food so we took off to eat with Alex, David, Ben, Kyle, and Steven. It only confirmed what I have been telling Cliff since we got here, they don't have Mexican food in Tennessee.

After Mexican (or whatever you want to call it) we headed back to catch the 1:30 lecture by Glen Henton. He is speaking on “Preaching Repentance to the World” (Psalm 51). There is much more to come until today is over.


Daily Sightings...
- Tom Holland
- Garland Elkins
- Mac Lyon
- Earl Edwards
- Allen Webster
- James Meadows