Tuesday, February 12, 2008

What About the Numbers?

Today was our last full day in Tennessee. It has been a lot of fun but I simply cannot wait to be back in my own house and with my church family in Ripon. We are still at Ed and Penny’s house. It’s been so nice getting to spend time with them. They have been more than generous in letting us stay with them. They have taken care of me since they first met me and I believe with all my heart that the Lord knew I needed them.

Today we went to the Gospel Advocate bookstore. I had a good time visiting with the book dude there. His name has left me at one in the morning – go figure. While I was there I picked up a few books which you will probably be hearing more about in the future. The deal with my knew project I’m going to work on and possible use as my Master’s Thesis at Bear Valley.

I was reading Phil Sanders blog and posted below was my comment to his post on “For a More Balance Approach” which you can read by clicking on the title. Remember to sow the seed faithfully!

Although it be true that the "progressive" churches are losing just as many if
not more than they are gaining (I read on Mike Cope's blog a while back him
trying to justify why so many were leaving his church), a large area of concern
to me is anytime we try to justify our existence based upon numbers. Where did
we ever get the idea that increase or decrease in numbers meant the blessings or
cursings of God? At some point the Lord's church born on Pentecost began losing
numbers. Was it at that point that the Lord's church was no longer following
Christ or blessed by God? If my understanding of church history is at all
correct the majority of the church went with Augustine. Did the numbers justify
the doctrine?

Did hear me to be argumentative of the stats - they
are encouraging. My question deals more primarily with the whole idea of trying
to rationalize right or wrong based upon numbers. What if the numbers did show
we were dying? Does that mean it's time to give up the tripartite hermy and
embrace the ever enigmatic "new hermeneutic?" What if the numbers showed that
Instrumental Music churches were increasing in number and A Cappella churches
were loosing numbers? Does that mean it's not time to depart from the
understanding that silence can be prohibitive and God really does want to be
worshiped with mechanical instruments? Am I making any sense at

Let me give you a real life example. The congregation where I
am at we have experienced an increase in numbers sense I got here 2 years ago.
Am I supposed to take from that we are doing everything right, if anything? How
about this... I know a man who has been preaching the gospel since Noah built
the ark and the congregation where he is at has dropped at that same time frame
(and he is one of the most evangelistic men I know). Does that mean his message
is not valid and "my" ministry is approved of by God more than "his" ministry?
Does that mean I'm successful and he is not?

I fear greatly that we
have put trust and faith in numbers instead of putting trust and faith in God's
word. It says what it says and I will follow regardless of the numbers – as I am
confident you will too. I think the great lesson to learn from all of this is
that their (progressives or whatever you want to call them) rational for
existence is entirely built upon numbers. They can stand on their numbers and I
will take God’s word.

Just my thoughts,

1 comment:

Matthew said...

Very interesting and you make strong points. I like how you think.