Monday, March 17, 2008

The Top 20 Hardcovers: More Telling Than You May Think

Today I was flipping through my inbox and found my latest CBD catalog. John MacArthur’s new book A Tale of Two Sons caught my eye. MacArthur usually writes something worth the time it takes to read (more than I can say for most). I was turning the pages and about three pages in was the Top 20 Hardcovers. It wasn’t long after glossing over the top 20 must haves that I was quickly sickened. Now most of you out there are going to think I am crazy, and I know some of the intellectuals will propose some logical explanation that makes the situation sound better than I am about to make it sound – so be it. But at least hear me out!

The top 20 hardcovers is a sad indicator of the state of “Christianity” in America today. The list included titles like Lucado’s 3:16-The Numbers of Hope, Rick Warren’s The Purpose Driven Life is still number 4, and believe it not good old smiley health and wealth gospel Osteen’s Become a Better You is still number 5. The entire list was like this. And by this I mean topical, feel good, surface Bible study, be a better this or that, lots of stories, none confrontational, lack of Bible exegesis, lack of deep digging into Scripture, books! Nowhere in the top 20 is there even a book on Christian Evidences! MacArthur’s book on the truth war going on in “Christianity” wasn’t in the list, but his book on Twelve Extraordinary Women was!

Where are the books on being a better Bible student? In my opinion books like Walter Kaiser’s book Towards an Exegetical Theology should be a perpetual top 20 book. Where are all the Bible dictionary books? Where are all the Greek for dummy books? Where are all the digging deeper into Romans, or 1 Corinthians, or 2 Corinthians, or Galatians, or Ephesians, ok I think you get it. And what about the Old Testament? Have we completely lost any desire to even study it? Every single book in the top 20 began with a topic and sought to find a few Scriptures to scatter in here or there to back up the author's point.

How in the world did we ever get to the point where Christianity is shaped by man’s ideas instead of man’s ideas being shaped by Christianity? And that’s the problem with the list. It illustrates that this is where we are. We want Christianity to be what we want it to be. We want Christianity to be all about feel good stories. We want Christianity to be non-confrontational. We want Christianity to consist of someone else telling me what the Bible says instead of spending the time to dig out the truths from the text myself. We want Christianity to give lip service to Scripture about topics like grace, and prayer and then shut-up about things like homosexuality, worship, gender roles, or confronting culture.

Now tell me why I’m crazy….

Sow the Seed,
Caleb O’Hara


Anonymous said...

I think instead of focussing entirely on what we cannot do we need to be uplifted by what we can do and what God has done for us. we have grace. and just because we want to read about it, doesn't mean we are ignoring things like homosexuality and so on...while we are here on this earth, we need to be encouraged and if reading wonderful books written by Max Lucado or Joel Osteen does that, then great! It does not mean we are ignoring commands made by God in our Bible.

Caleb O'Hara said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Caleb O'Hara said...

Normally I don't publish anonymous comments. This one I published because it is a perfect illustration of the point of this blog post.

All the more reason to sow the seed!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I can't help but feel superiority coming through your words. Do you feel that you are a "better Christian" than Max or Joel? Or even myself? Why do you feel the need to condemn their works, or those who are uplifted by them? God has given them the gift of encouragement and instead of bashing others, as you are doing, they are following their Lord. And, more than likely, the reason you do not publish anonymous comments is you write-off anyone who does not associate themself with a church of Christ. I know where you're coming from. I was raised coC and know how to "defend the faith" and know which verses to "prove" what we believe is right. We believers and followers of Christ, who do His will & attain for Heaven, are all children of our Lord! Even if we are not members of your local coC. Please read this in the love that it was meant to be. All of this is said in brotherly love.

Cliff Sabroe said...

I would have to agree, to much fluff and not enough stuff in the religious world.

Caleb O'Hara said...

You said, “I can't help but feel superiority coming through your words.” You can’t help it? Not at all? There’s absolutely positively no way? The scriptures clearly teach that it’s not my job to judge a man’s heart. Perhaps a reading through again would help with this problem.

You also said, “Do you feel that you are a "better Christian" than Max or Joel? Or even myself? Why do you feel the need to condemn their works, or those who are uplifted by them?” Where in my post did I condemn their works? Is something right and pleaseing to God just because you are uplifted by it? Does that mean it’s completely immune to critique? And nope… not felling it, let me check again, nope still no feeling. My feelings don’t count worth a lick by the way.

You then said, “God has given them the gift of encouragement and instead of bashing others, as you are doing, they are following their Lord.” I am bashing others? That’s a pretty harsh judgement. Perhaps you should read the blog again. How do you know God has given them the gift of encouragement? Is there a verse that says that somewhere? Is it the case that just because a person is encouraged that it’s a good thing? What if I had the ability to encourage you to commit adultery, would that be a gift from God? How do you know when an individual is following the Lord? And if so would you be bashing someone if you determined that they weren’t following the Lord?

You went on to say, “And, more than likely, the reason you do not publish anonymous comments is you write-off anyone who does not associate themself with a church of Christ.” Nope… I don’t do it because it’s easy to hide behind a wall and take cheap shots at someone. It’s another to be forthright with who you are. And let me encourage you at this point to stop judging me thoughts and intents the “condemning others” “bashing others” “the reason you do” judgments of my hearts is a pretty big problem.

The next thing you said was, “I know where you're coming from. I was raised coC and know how to "defend the faith" and know which verses to "prove" what we believe is right.” This whole determinism thing keeps getting repeated and repeated. See my comments in response to the other post on that one. It’s actually pretty funny (or sad) because you all use the same line as you are accusing me of just toting the same line. I can assure you that my theology comes directly from exegeting the Text. I know not of what you speak when you say “coC.” I am glas, however, you agree with Jude in the need to defend the faith (Jude 3). Also, did Jesus ever use any verses to prove anything? Your comment assume that it is sinful to use the Bible to prove right or wrong. How is this so? And it’s never about what “we” believe it’s always about “what does the Scripture say” (Romans 4:3). You know I have never once in my life said the church of Christ teaches this so you must do it. Nope, never, not once. Nor have I ever believed that to be the case. It’s facininating that you know me so well (according to you) and yet you don’t know me. How can this be?????

Down the homestrech you said, “We believers and followers of Christ, who do His will & attain for Heaven, are all children of our Lord! Even if we are not members of your local coC.” Believers and followers are of Christ must do His will – AMEN (Matthew 7:21)! And where did I say if you are not a member of my local coC you can’t go to Heaven? For crying out loud I don’t even have a local coC – whatever it is!

Finally yous said, “Please read this in the love that it was meant to be. All of this is said in brotherly love.” I’m feeling the love from your judgmentalism of my heart.
